List of national instruments (music)

This list contains musical instruments of symbolic or cultural importance within a nation, state, ethnicity, tribe or other group of people. In some cases, national instruments remain in wide use within the nation (such as the Puerto Rican cuatro), but in others, their importance is primarily symbolic (such as the Welsh triple harp). Danish ethnologist Lisbet Torp has concluded that some national instrument traditions, such as the Finnish kantele, are invented, pointing to the "influence of intellectuals and nationalists in the nationwide promotion of selected musical instruments as a vehicle for nationalistic ideas".[1] Governments do not generally officially recognize national instruments; the only exceptions are the Paraguayan harp,[2] the Japanese koto[3] and the Trinidadian steelpan.[4]

Not every country has a national instrument. Denmark, for example, has no recognized national instrument,[5] though the ancient lur has been seen as a national symbol.[1] Some countries that do not have a widely recognized national instrument have been home to movements that seek to give a particular instrument that status. The United States is home to an organization—led by kazoo player and composer Barbara Stewart—that seeks to make the kazoo the national instrument, calling it "uniquely American" and "the most democratic of instruments".[6][7] This accomplishment may turn out to be unachievable given a belief widely held in the banjo player community. Frank Rossi ardently promotes the belief that President Harry S. Truman declared the banjo the National Instrument of the United States via Presidential Proclamation in 1947.[8]

This list compiles instruments that have been alleged to be a national instrument by any of a variety of sources, and an instrument's presence on the list does not indicate that its status as a national instrument is indisputable, only that its status has been credibly argued. Each instrument on this list has a Hornbostel-Sachs number immediately below it. This number indicates the instrument's classification within the Hornbostel-Sachs system (H-S), which organizes instruments numerically based on the manner in which they produce sound.[9]

Images and recordings are supplied where available; note that there are often variations within a national musical tradition, and thus the images and recordings may not be accurate in depicting the entire spectrum of the given nation's music, and that some images and recordings may be taken from a region outside the core of the national instrument's home when such distinctions have little relevance to the information present in the image and recordings. A number of countries have more than one instrument listed, each having been described as a national instrument, not usually by the same source; neither the presence of multiple entries for one nation, nor for multiple nations for one instrument, on this list is reflective of active dispute in any instance. Alternative names and spellings are given. These mostly come from alternative spellings within English or alternative methods of transliterating from a foreign language to English, such as the Chinese yangqin, also transliterated yang ch'in and yang qin. Others reflect regions or subcultures within a given nation, such as the Australian didgeridoo which is or has been called didjeridu, yidaki, yiraki, magu, kanbi and ihambilbilg in various Australian Aboriginal languages. All non-English words are italicized.

Nation Instrument Description
H-S number Image
Afghanistan rubab[10][11]
Short-necked three-stringed lute with sympathetic and drone strings, fretted and plucked with a plectrum, with a double-chambered body, the lower part of which is covered in skin, and with three main strings 321.321-6
African American, also believed to be of the United States banjo[12][13]
Four or five stringed instrument, plucked with a bare thumb and a forefinger covered by a metal thimble, traditionally with four or five strings, 321.312-5
Arab oud [14]
Pear-shaped fretless stringed instrument, with five courses of two strings and a single eleventh string, a bent back and a bowl-shaped body, often with up to three soundholes, played with a pick 321.321-6
Argentina bandoneón[15][16]
Button accordion with a box shape, played with both hands using buttons that produce two sets of notes per hand 412.132
Argentina guitar[17][18]
Fretted stringed instrument with a hollow body and a soundboard 321.322
Armenia duduk[11]
Double-reed pipe with wide reeds made from pieces of cane in a duckbill-type assembly, generally diatonic and with a single octave range 421.211.12
Australian, Indigenous didgeridoo[19][20]
didjeridu, yidaki, yiraki, magu, kanbi, ihambilbilg
Straight trumpet without fingerholes, traditionally made from a trunk or thick branch of a tree, sometimes with a rim of beeswax around the blowing end, requires circular breathing 423.121.11
Azerbaijan balaban[21][22]
Set of cylindrical shawm-like instruments, with an air reservoir like a bagpipe 422.121-62
Baganda peoples of Uganda endongo[23]
Bowl lyre made of lizardskin with strings tied to a piece of wood inserted into two holes on two arms 321.21
Balochs suroz[24]
Bowed string instrument with a long neck, similar to a fiddle or sarangi and played vertically 321.322
Bangladesh dotara[25]
Small stringed instrument, with plucked metal strings, elongated belly as soundboard and narrow neck ending in a pegbox, decorated with carvings of animals and covered with skin 321.322
Bashkir kurai[26][27]
Long open endblown flute with five fingerholes 421.111.12
Basotho lesiba[28]
Stringed instrument, blown rather than plucked or strummed, with a single string and tuning noose attached both to a bow and a feather quill, with a frame made from a coconut shell 311.121.222
Bavaria zither[29][30]
Stringed instrument with a soundbox, with strings stretched across it, originally with four melody strings and no more than fifteen accompaniment strings 314.122
Bhutan dranyen[31]
dranyen, dramnyen
Seven-stringed lute, fretless, long-necked and double-waisted with rosette-shaped sound hole 321.321
Bolivia charango [32]
Fretted, hollow-bodied bowl lute, usually with four or five doubled strings, with as many as eleven tunings, traditionally made from an armadillo shell 321.321-6
Brazil guitar[33]
Fretted seven-stringed instrument with a soundboard and a hollow body, originally with steel strings, but now more commonly with nylon 321.322
Brazil berimbau[34]
Single-stringed musical bow
Brazil pandeiro [35]
Handheld frame drum with metal jingles (platinelas) attached, tuned through adjusting the tension of the head, can also be shaken or rasped 211.311
Bulgaria gaida[36]
Bagpipe with three types of chanters, one a simple reed, open at one end, another a small, conical tube with eight fingerholes, one of which is the flea-hole (a small hole made out of a tube that can raise any note a half-step), and the last is a long, no-holed drone 422.22-62
China guzheng [37]
zheng, gu-zheng
Half-tube zither, rectangular with three sound holes on the bottom, now with twenty-one strings most typically, pentatonic tuning, strings are plucked by hand 312.22-5
China pipa[38]
Pear-shaped bowl lute with a neck, played by plucking 321.321-5
China yangqin[11]
yang ch'in, yang qin
Hammered dulcimer, with a trapezoidal sounding board and traditionally bronze strings, struck with rubber-tipped bamboo hammers 314.122-4
Colombia cuatro[39]
Fretted stringed instrument with a hollow body and with four strings 321.322
Colombia tiple[40]
Four-stringed small fretted instrument with a hollow body 321.322
Costa Rica marimba[41]
Xylophone-like instrument with gourd resonators, two sets of overlapping keys, struck with mallets 111.222-4
Crete lyra[42]
Three-stringed fretted, pear-shaped instrument with a hollow body and a vaulted back, propped up on the knee 321.21
Croatia tamburica[43][44]
Lute-like stringed instrument with a long neck, picked or strummed, variable number of strings 321.321
Cuba tres[45]
Guitar-like instrument with a neck and three courses of two strings each 321.322
Dagara peoples of Ghana gyil[46]
Xylophone-like calabash gourd with holes covered in spider silk, wooden frame, struck with a hammer 111.222-4
Ecuador rondador [47][48]
Set of chorded bamboo panpipes that produces two tones simultaneously, consisting of pieces of cane, placed side by side in order by size and closed at one end, played by blowing across the top of the instrument 421.112.11
Egypt, Ancient harp [49]
Open harp, used in widely varying forms, though originally semi-circular and with five to seven strings, number of strings increased over time, while the size decreased 322.12
Egypt, Ancient sistrum [50]
U-shaped frame drum with small rings that make sound when shaken 112.112
England bell[51]
Round framed idiophone, open on one end, with a clapper inside
Etruria kithara[52]
Stringed instrument with a deep soundbox made of two tables, connected by ribs, with strings attached to a tuning bar, played with a plectrum 321.22
Finland kantele[1][5][53][54][55]
Zitherharp, traditionally with five strings, now with up to thirty, held in the lap 314.122
Finland, especially Swedish-speaking Finns violin[55][56]
Four stringed instrument, bowed, hourglass-shape and an arched top and back
Fula tambin [57][58]
sereendu, fulannu
Diagonal diatonic flute without a bell, made from a conical vine, with three finger-holes and a rectangular embouchere with two wings on either side 411.111.22
Galicia gaita[59][60]
gaita de fole, gaita gallega
Diatonic bagpipe with a conical chanter and at least one bass drone, used to accompany both spiritual and secular, as well as lyric and dance music, usually accompanied by a drum (tambour) 422.211.2-62
Greece, Ancient aulos[61]
Highly variant double-shawm with a cylindrical bore 422.121
Greece, Ancient lyre[62][63]
Stringed instrument, strummed with a plectrum, with the free hand silencing unwanted strings, traditionally made from a tortoise shell 321.21
Greece, Modern bouzouki[1]
String instrument with a pear-shaped body and a long neck, played with plectrum 321.321
Guatemala marimba[64][65]
Xylophone-like instrument with gourd resonators, struck with mallets, with a two level keyboard so it can play the full chromatic scale 111.222-4
Hawaii ukulele[66]
String instrument derived from the Portuguese braguinha, from the Hawaiian uku lele, jumping flea, referring to the swift fingerwork the instrument requires
Hungary cimbalom[67]
czimbalom, cymbalom, cymbalum, ţambal, tsymbaly, tsimbl, santouri, santur
Chromatic hammered dulcimer with four legs 314.122-4
India veena[68]
Semitonically fretted lute with a long, cylindrical shape, resting on two gourds 311.222
Indonesia angklung[69][70]
Two bamboo tubes, closed at one end and with tongues, attached to a square frame, played by shaking from side to side, causing the tongues to vibrate 112.122
Iran santur[71]
Hammered dulcimer, trapezoidal-shaped with 72 strings and two sets of bridges, hit with mallets 314.122-4
Ireland clárseach[1][72][73]
cláirsach (Scottish), cruit
Polychord wire-strung harp with a fore-pillar 322.221
Israel kinnor[74]
David's harp
Biblically described historic instrument, probably a cithara; in modern Hebrew, refers to the violin 321.22
Italy mandolin[75]
Stringed instrument
Japan koto[76]
Long and hollow thirteen-stringed instrument 312.22-7
Jewish shofar[77]
Horn, flattened by heat and hollowed, used for more religious than purely secular purposes, made from the horn of an animal, most typically a ram or kudu 423.121.1
Kazakhstan dombra[78][79]
Fretted, long-necked lute with a round body, played by plucking with a plectrum 321.321-6
Kenya nyatiti[80][81][82]
3-foot-long (0.91 m) harp, plucked with both hands, made of wood and goat or antelope skin 321.21-5
Khoikhoi goura[83]
Single stringed instrument, blown rather than plucked or strummed, with the string attached to a coconut shell resonator and with a tension noose wrapped around the string to adjust the pitch 311.121.222
Korea gayageum[84][85]
kayagum, kayago
zither-like string instrument, with 12 strings. 312.22-5
Kyrgyzstan komuz[86][87]
Three-stringed fretless lute, made from wood with gut strings 321.321
Lanna (Northern Thailand) pin pia[88]
Chest-resonated stick zither with two to five strings 311.221
Laos khene[89]
Mouth organ with bamboo tubes, attached in pairs to the mouthpiece, and with fixed free reeds 412.132
Latvia and Latvian-Americans kokle[90][91]
Diatonic, lute-like string instrument 314.122
Lebanon darbuka[92]
Goblet-shaped hand drum 211.261.21
Lithuania birbyne[93]
Aerophone, can be single- or double-reed, with or without a mouthpiece 422
Lithuania kanklės[94]
Stringed instrument 314.122
Lobi peoples of Ghana gyil[46]
Keyed calabash gourds with holes covered in spider silk, wooden frame 111.222-4
Madagascar valiha[95][96]
Tubular zither 312.11
Mandinka of West Africa balo[97][98]
Set of wooden pieces, mounted on gourds, in a frame and played using two rubber-tipped mallets, held in hands with iron cylinders and rings attached to add a jingling sound 111.212
Maroons of Jamaica abeng[99]
Aerophone made from the end of a cow horn with the tip broken off on the side, which is blown into 423.122.2
Mexico marimba[100]
Xylophone-like instrument with wooden square tubes resonators, struck with mallets, with a two level keyboard so it can play the full chromatic scale 111.222-4
Mongolia morin khuur[101][102]
horse-head fiddle, igil
Two-stringed instrument, held between the legs, with a trapezoidal body and a horse's head typically carved on the upper edge of the pegbox 321.322
Montenegro gusle[103]
Stringed instrument, round, typically with one string bound at the top of the neck with a tuning peg 321.321-71
Myanmar saung-gauk [104]
saung, Burmese harp
Arched harp with sixteen strings, attached to the harp with red cotton tassels 322.11
Nepal madal[105]
Double-headed cylindrical drum, slightly bulging at the waist, held horizontally and played double-handed 211.212.1
Netherlands fiddle[106]
Four-stringed instrument, bowed 321.322
Nicaragua marimba[107]
Xylophone-like instrument with gourd resonators 111.222-4
Norway Hardingfele[5][108][109]
Hardanger fiddle
Ornately decorated fiddle with four main strings and four resonating strings beneath them, which are not touched by the bow 321.322-71
Norway langeleik[5]
Rectangular zither with five or six strings, one melody string and several drone strings 314.122
Pakistan Dafli
The dafli, also popularly known as daf, dappler or tambourine, is a must for weddings. Made of wooden ring with a double row of bells and a playing surface with a 10" diameter, our dafli is a perfect accompaniment to the dholki. The pleasant sound of the dafli will elevate the tempo and mood of all celebrations. Easy to play with no beforehand practice required - with these daflis anyone can add to the music played in weddings and other celebrations. ?
Paraguay harp, Paraguayan[110][111][112]
Diatonic harp with 32, 36, 38 or 40 strings, made from tropical wood and with songs in the Guarani language, with an exaggerated neck-arch, played with the fingernail 322.211
Peru cajón[113][114]
Wooden box with a hole in one side, derived from containers used to transport agricultural products by portworkers 111.221
Peru charango [115]
charanga, chillador
Guitar-like instrument, most commonly with ten strings in two courses and made from an armadillo back 321.321-6
Philippines Rondalla[116]
rondalla tradition of ensemble playing of plucked instruments including bandurias, octavinas, lauds, guitars, and basses. 321.321
Polynesia nose flute [117]
Flute, made from a single piece of bamboo, with three holes to blow into from the nostrils, with fingerholes 421.111.22
Portugal Portuguese guitar[118]
Fretted stringed instrument with a hollow body 321.322
Puerto Rico cuatro[119]
Fretted stringed instrument with a hollow body, derived from the Spanish tiple and other stringed instruments, made from carved wood with strings (ten, in five sets of two) of leather strips or dried animal gut 321.322
Rome, Ancient tibiae[120]
Double-reed shawm, played paired 422.122
Russia accordion[121]
Accordion, bellow-driven free reed with keys or buttons to modify the air flow
Russia balalaika[11]
Family of triangle-shaped lute-type instruments 321.32
Russia gusli[122]
Zither-like instrument with between eleven and thirty-six strings, tuned diatonically 314.122
Russia spoons[123]
Painted wooden teaspoons, used as a percussion instrument 111.141
Ryukyus of Japan sanshin[124]
Three stringed banjo-like instrument, covered with snakeskin 321.312-6
Sakha khomus[125]
jaw harp, made from a reed attached to a frame, plucked 121.221
Sardinia launeddas[126]
Set of three single-reed pipes, all three mouth-blown simultaneously using circular breathing, with two chanters and one drone 422.221.2
Scotland bagpipe, highland[1][127][128]
Bagpipe with a chanter, blowpipe, two tenor drones and a bass drone 422.112.2-62
Serbia accordion [129]
Accordion, bellow-driven free reed with keys or buttons to modify the air flow
Serbia frula [130]
End-blown wooden flute with six fingerholes 421.211.12
Serbia gajda[36]
Bagpipe with three types of chanters, one a simple reed, open at one end, another a small, conical tube with eight fingerholes, one of which is the flea-hole (a small hole made out of a tube that can raise any note a half-step), and the last is a long, no-holed drone 422.22-62
Serbia gusle[131]
Stringed instrument, round, typically with one string bound at the top of the neck with a tuning peg
Slovakia fujara [132][133]
Endblown long bass diatonic fipple flute 421.211.12
Slovenia accordion [134]
Accordion, bellow-driven free reed with keys or buttons to modify the air flow
South Africa Vuvuzela
Straight plastic natural horn 423.121.12
Spain guitar[18][135]
Fretted stringed instrument, long-necked with a flat soundboard and back, and incurved sides 321.322
Sweden drejelire[5][55]
Hurdy-gurdy that uses a rosined wheel to create sound 321.322-72
Sweden nyckelharpa[5][136]
Bowed keyed fiddle 321.322-71
Swedish Estonia talharpa [137]
Bowed lyre with no fingerboard 321.22-71
Switzerland alphorn[138][139]
Long wooden conical trumpet, bent at the end, with turned boxwood mouthpieces, traditionally used by herdsmen 423.121.12
Trinidad and Tobago steelpan[4][140][141]
Barrel-shaped percussion instruments, tuned chromatically, originally made from discarded 55 gallon drums 111.241.2
Turkey saz[142][143]
bağlama, kopuz
Fretted lute with a long neck, pear-shaped body, and three courses of seven steel strings 321.321-6
Turkmenistan dutar[144]
Plucked string instrument with two strings and a long neck, strummed or plucked 321.322
Tuva igil[145]
Horse-head fiddle
Small fiddle 321.322
Tuva khomus[146]
Jaw harp, made from a reed attached to a frame, plucked 121.221
Tuva morin khuur[145]
Horse-head fiddle
Large fiddle with a wooden sound box and two strings attached to tuning pegs in the neck 321.322
Ukraine bandura[147]
Diatonic, unfretted lute-like string instrument, traditionally carved from a single block of wood 321.321
Uzbekistan doira[148]
Round, flat drum with shakers made of metal inside and a horse-skin head 211.311
Uzbekistan karnay[149][150]
Long brass trumpet with a mouthpiece 423.121.12
Venezuela cuatro[39][151][152]
Guitar-like lute with four strings, usually strummed 321.322
Venezuela harp, Venezuelan[152]
Diatonic harp, with an exaggerated neck arch, similar to the Paraguayan harp 322.211
Vietnam đàn bầu[153]
Wales crwth[153]
Six-stringed instrument with a flat fingerboard, fretless 321.22
Wales harp, triple[154][155][156]
Harp with no blades or levers, with three rows of strings, the outer two tuned in a diatonic scale and the inner one tuned to the extra semitones of the chromatic scale 322.212.1
Yugoslavia gusle[157]
Stringed instrument, round, typically with one string bound at the top of the neck with a tuning peg
Zimbabwe mbira[158][159]
thumb piano
Plucked lamellophone, consisting of staggered keys attached to a board, with a halved calabash gourd as resonator 122.12


  1. ^ a b c d e f Grahn, Göran (April 1999). "Review of Musikkens Tjenere - Instrument - Forsker - Musiker by Mette Müller and Lisbet Torp". The Galpin Society Journal 52: 367–368. JSTOR 842547. "One of the most interesting articles is that by Lisbet Torp about invented traditions in creating a national instrument, such as the Highland bagpipe in Scotland, the kantele in Finland, the bouzouki in Greece etc. She takes the reader through a tour of Europe, in a journey through time and space, beginning in the British Isles at the end of the 18th century with the Irish harp and the Scottish highland bagpipe. She then points to the influence of intellectuals and nationalists in the nationwide promotion of selected musical instruments as a vehicle for nationalistic ideas. The conclusion is that Denmark never developed any national instrument, though, 'at the beginning of the 20th century, the prehistoric bronze lurs were treated as a national symbol.'" 
  2. ^ "Study Guide for Quad City Arts' Visiting Artists Series" (pdf). Quad City Arts. October 2001. Retrieved December 23, 2007. 
  3. ^ "About the Japanese Koto". KotoWorld. Retrieved December 23, 2007. 
  4. ^ a b Dudley, Shannon; Stuempfle, Stephen (Spring - Summer 1998). "Review of The Steelband Movement: The Forging of a National Art in Trinidad and Tobago by Stephen Stuempfle". Ethnomusicology (Society for Ethnomusicology) 42 (2): 366–368. doi:10.2307/3113905. JSTOR 3113905. "(The book) uses an appropriate approach for the first major work on Trinidad and Tobago's national instrument." 
  5. ^ a b c d e f Isaacson, Lanae H. (Winter 1995). "Folk og Kultur: Arbog for Dansk Etnologi og Folkemindevidenskab". Scandinavian Studies 67.n1 (2): 142. "Mette Muller's initial essay on the folk musical instruments of Denmark and Scandinavia ("Folk - Folkelig - Folkelige musikinstrumenter i Danmark") circles around the central question of why Denmark did not develop a uniquely national instrument in the same way as Norway (hardingfele and langeleik), Finland (kantele), and Sweden (nyckelharpa and drejelire)." 
  6. ^ Levin, Theodore C. (September 22, 2007). "Keeping America Humming: One Woman's Crusade To Promote The Humble Kazoo". CBS News. Retrieved December 17, 2007. "(The kazoo is) uniquely American - cheap and easy - the most democratic of instruments ... anyone can play it." 
  7. ^ "About Barbara Stewart". How to Kazoo. Retrieved December 21, 2007. 
  8. ^ "Presidential Proclamations". Retrieved August 7, 2010. 
  9. ^ von Hornbostel, Erich M.; Curt Sachs (March 1961). "Classification of Musical Instruments: Translated from the original German by Anthony Baines and Klaus P. Wachsmann". Galpin Society Journal (Galpin Society) 14: 3–29. doi:10.2307/842168. JSTOR 842168. 
  10. ^ Doubleday, Veronica (2000). "Afghanistan: Red Light at the Crossroads". In Broughton, Simon and Mark Ellingham with James McConnachie and Orla Duane (Eds.). World Music: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides. pp. 3–7. ISBN 1858286360. "Afghans have a special feeling for the rubab, describing it as the 'lion' of instruments and their 'national instrument'." 
  11. ^ a b c d ARC music; Peter McClelland. "Glossary of Folk Instruments". Hobgoblin Music. Retrieved December 17, 2007. 
  12. ^ Hill, Errol; James Vernon Hatch (2003). A History of African American Theatre. Don B. Wilmeth. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521624436. 
  13. ^ Bailey, Jay (January - March 1972). "Historical Origin and Stylistic Developments of the Five-String Banjo". Journal of American Folklore (American Folklore Society) 85 (335): 58–65. doi:10.2307/539129. JSTOR 539129. 
  14. ^ (pdf) Project Results. pp. 2. Retrieved December 26, 2007. 
  15. ^ Peiro, Teddy; Jan Fairley (2000). "Argentina: Vertical Expression of Horizontal Desire". In Broughton, Simon and Mark Ellingham with James McConnachie and Orla Duane (Eds.). World Music: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides Ltd.. pp. 305. ISBN 1858286360. 
  16. ^ Troop, William (2007). "Global Hit: Dino Saluzzi" (mp3). The World. PRI. Retrieved December 17, 2007. "(Dino Saluzzi) is a master of Argentina's national instrument, the button accordion known as the bandoneon." 
  17. ^ Fink, Michael (February 2, 2003). "Assad Duo, guitars with Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, violin" (program notes). Retrieved December 21, 2007. "Another folk element is a reference to the guitar, considered a national instrument associated with the gauchos of the Pampas region." 
  18. ^ a b Pinnell, Richard T.; Ricardo Zavadivker (1993). The Rioplatense Guitar. Bold Strummer. ISBN 0933224427. 
  19. ^ Neuenfeldt, Karl; Cited to Moyle, 1981 (see Further reading) (1998). "The Quest for a "Magical Island": The Convergence of the Didjeridu, Aboriginal Culture, Healing and Cultural Politics in New Age Discourse" (Reprint). Social Analysis 42 (2): 73–102. Retrieved December 17, 2007. "It has not been a national instrument until quite recently, the previous range was primarily in the northern third of the continent." 
  20. ^ Breen, Marcus (2000). Broughton, Simon and Mark Ellingham with James McConnachie and Orla Duane (Eds.). ed. World Music: The Rough Guide. Rough Guides. pp. 11. ISBN 1858286360. "The aura and resonance of the continent the instrument carries means the didgeridoo will never lose its place as the instrument that best reflects the Aboriginals' 50,000 years of tradition and experience." 
  21. ^ Heumann, Michael (August 16, 2004). "Azerbaijan". Almaty or Bust!. Stylus Magazine. Retrieved December 26, 2007. "(T)he Azeri national instrument is a type of bagpipe called a balaban." 
  22. ^ Umid, Aysel; Translated by Afina Yagizarova. "Guba: Music". Azerbaijan: The Land of Arts. TUTU Children's Cultural Center. Retrieved February 17, 2008. 
  23. ^ Wachsmann, Klaus (1964). "The Migration of Musical Instruments: Human Migration and African Harps". Journal of the International Folk Music Council 16: 84–88. doi:10.2307/835087. JSTOR 835087. 
  24. ^ Badalkhan, Sabir (October 2003). "Balochi Oral Tradition". Oral Tradition 18 (2): 229–235. doi:10.1353/ort.2004.0049. "Notwithstanding the emergence of a strong nationalistic feeling among the Baloch population both in Iran and Pakistan, the existence of pahlawan (professional singers of verse narratives), and the love for suroz (a bowed instrument played as an accompaniment to narrative songs and considered to be the national instrument of the Baloch) among the educated classes, there seems to be no future for the oral tradition in Balochistan." 
  25. ^ Begum, Rumena Mohima. "Musicians Stories". World on Your Street. BBC. Retrieved December 17, 2007. "The dotara is the national instrument of Bangladesh." 
  26. ^ Seryogina, Olesya (October 24, 2007). "Musician's Seven Kurais". Culture. BASHvest. Retrieved December 26, 2007. "Music performed on this wonderful Bashkir national instrument is understandable and dear to all." 
  27. ^ Belaiev, Victor (1963). "The Formation of Folk Modal Systems". Journal of the International Folk Music Council (International Council for Traditional Music) 15: 4–9. doi:10.2307/836227. JSTOR 836227. 
  28. ^ "Traditional Music & Dance". The Drum Cafe. Retrieved December 21, 2007. "Discover the sounds of the lesiba, the Basotho national instrument with its harsh, bird-like sounds." 
  29. ^ Grove, George (1954). Dictionary of Music and Musicians. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 1147227659. "The zither may be considered the national instrument of Bavaria" 
  30. ^ "The Concert Zither: A Brief History". Zithers-USA. Zither Newsletter USA. Retrieved February 17, 2008. 
  31. ^ Broughton, Simon; Mark Ellingham (2000). World Music. James McConnachie. Rough Guides. ISBN 1858286360. 
  32. ^ Baumann, Max Peter (1997). "Review of Bolivie: Charangos et guitarrillas du Norte Potosi by Florindo Alvis and Jean-Marc Grassler". Yearbook for Traditional Music 29 (1997): 200–201. JSTOR 768327. "Among chordophones, the charango has become the Bolivian national instrument par excellence." 
  33. ^ "Chamber Recital Programme". The Annual Glebe Music Festival. Glebe Music Festival. November 25, 2007. Retrieved December 17, 2007. "Born in Brazil, Murilo Tanouye began his musical pursuit by learning Jazz and Bossa Nova (sic) on the guitar, his country's national instrument." 
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  48. ^ Sargeant, Winthrop (April 1934). "Types of Quechua Melody". The Musical Quarterly 20 (2): 230–245. doi:10.1093/mq/XX.2.230. JSTOR 738763. 
  49. ^ Gilman, Daniel Coit, Harry Thurston Peck and Frank Moore Colby (Eds.), ed (1906). "Egyptian Music". The New International Encyclopedia. Dodd, Mead & Company. pp. 712. "Although the harp always remained a national instrument, its popularity was later eclipsed by the lyre." 
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  55. ^ a b c Andersson, Otto (October - December 1911). "On Violinists and Dance-Tunes among the Swedish Country-Population in Finland towards the Middle of the Nineteenth Century". Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft 13 (1): 107–114. JSTOR 929299. "While in Sweden the hurdy-gurdy occupies the rank of a national instrument, like the kantele among the Finns, the Swedish country-population has not adopted either of these instruments, but has instead chosen the violin." 
  56. ^ Nidel, Richard (2005). World Music: The Basics. Routledge. pp. 95. ISBN 0415968003. 
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  148. ^ Corneli, Zoe (February 22, 2007). "Stanford Pan-Asian Musical Festival". The World. PRI. Retrieved December 17, 2007. "Abbos Kasimov, the premier percussionist from Uzbekistan, is playing his national instrument, the doira." 
  149. ^ "Rhythms of Uzbekistan: Featuring Shod & Lyazgi". Event Listings. Festival of World Culture. Retrieved April 26, 2008. 
  150. ^ IA Jahon (August 9, 2007). "‘Tashkent’ Musicians Capture Attention In UK, Gain Appraisal". Embassy of Uzbekistan in Korea. Retrieved April 26, 2008. "the magic sound of karnay (the Uzbek national music instrument)" 
  151. ^ Lloyd, A. L. (March 1965). "Folklore Tachirense by L. F. Ramon y Rivera and Isabel Aretz". Journal of the International Folk Music Council 17 (1): 14–15. JSTOR 942277. "This small, four-stringed, guitar-like lute, the national instrument of Venezuela..." 
  152. ^ a b Nidel, Richard (2005). World Music: The Basics. Routledge. pp. 349. ISBN 0415968003. "The cuatro rivals the harp as the national instrument" 
  153. ^ a b Edgerly, Beatrice (1942). From the Hunter's Bow: The History and Romance of Musical Instruments. G.P. Putnam's Sons. 
  154. ^ Chorley, Henry Fothergill; Henry G. Hewlett (May 1, 1880). "The National Music of the World". The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular (Musical Times Publications Ltd.) 21 (447): 240–241. doi:10.2307/3357258. JSTOR 3357258. "Much is said... about Welsh airs and the national instrument, the harp" 
  155. ^ Marson, John (October 1970). "Reviews of Harp Music". The Musical Times 111 (1532): 1029–1030. JSTOR 957286. "A people which could cherish the triple harp so long after the rest of the world had dismissed it as obsolete must have more than mere tradition to guide its composers to the national instrument" 
  156. ^ "Triple Harp". Dolmetsch Online. Retrieved December 21, 2007. "Today the triple harp is the national instrument of Wales" 
  157. ^ Lord, Albert B. (1936). "Homer and Huso I: The Singer's Rests in Greek and Southslavic Heroic Song". Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (The Johns Hopkins University Press) 67: 106–113. doi:10.2307/283230. JSTOR 283230. 
  158. ^ "Music in Zimbabwe". Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. March 16, 2006. Retrieved December 17, 2007. "The instrument is, in slightly varying forms, several centuries old and is found in many parts of Africa, but only in Zimbabwe has it risen to become something of a national instrument" 
  159. ^ Nidel, Richard (2005). World Music: The Basics. Routledge. pp. 81. ISBN 0415968003. "The mbira is inextricably associated with Zimbabwean traditional music, and is truly the national instrument." 

Further reading

The following are specifically referenced above or are book-length or extended scholarly works documenting a specific national instrument, not including collections of songs.